Yard House Review

Yard House is a chain of restaurants that was born in California in 1996, with a Yard House appearing in Fresno at River Park in 2012 (according to old news reports). However, I personally think Yard House is over priced, and in my experience, you cannot reserve a table for several people in advance (they have to be with you…), which is obviously not a good thing. I’ve had some good memories there nonetheless, as I went there for the first time for my graduation party in 2018. Despite its name, Yard House doesn’t actually have “yards”, which is a beer glass that is a yard tall, but they have mini yards (half a yard) that holds 32 fl oz of beer or whatever.

All that piping are the lines for the beer and stuff.

A distinctive feature of Yard house is its many intricate tap lines that runs across the restaurant from the brewery on site to the bar area; it is industrial modern in architecture. But, there is something you can do to have a good time at Yard House: Take advantage of the happy hour specials. This cuts the price of many appetizers, including pizza, by half, and reduces the prices of drafts (beer and so on) and cocktails. After all, there’s not really many restaurants in River Park that are budget friendly. With happy hour, it is worth socializing over pizza and drinks. Cheers.

This is what a mini yard looks llke. Bear in mind this is equivalent to approximately 2.5 drinks, if your “beer” is 10 proof. I’m drinking a Dark Horse by Crow and Wolf.